About Us

Today's busy world doesn't always allow for great home-cooked meals. Yet we crave the flavors and textures Granny took hours to meld in her kitchen. 

We enjoy cooking for our family, and trying out new things, but we didn't always have the time or tools to experiment. So we set out to source new gadgets, innovative products, and trusted suppliers of kitchen tools and appliances to help us create delectable eats, with heaping spoonfuls of healthy ingredients and the joy in the making, and share it with like-minded foodies like ourselves.

Fast and easy is not always the best option - though there are days when we want just that. We find joy in cooking and baking. In the process. The creativity. And the end result! 

So look around and see what we've shared with you. Pasta makers, pizza ovens, etc., etc., etc. (edit and complete)